Having a strong interest in the public affairs of the country, Thomas enjoys writing on political and business issues. He has been published in both national and local newspapers, as well as in a prominent legal journal.

National Post, September 4, 2019 – There's no room for unacceptable behaviour like this in the legal profession: The addition of such derogatory terms as 'racists' should not deter those opposing the Law Society's Statement of Principles

Canadian Competition Law Review, Spring 2014 Issue – The Failing Firm: Reexamining Canada’s Approach to Rescue Mergers in Light of the US and EU Experience (2013 James Bocking Award)
Financial Post, February 5, 2014 – The Rooney Rule: How the OSC could tackle diversity in Canada’s boardrooms using NFL’s playbook
Montreal Gazette, May 21, 2015 –
How the federal Conservatives can become the Natural Governing Party

The Globe and Mail, Jan 25, 2024 – Canada should open telecom and airlines to foreign competition from friendly countries
The Hamilton Spectator, September 16, 2014 –
Business ties can knit together a nation: Time to close the distance between Quebec and the rest of Canada
The Hamilton Spectator, July 22, 2016 –
Rescuing the real Canadian conservatism: We must separate our brand with that of the current mean-spirited Republicanism